Thursday, April 7, 2011

This could be upsetting.

You know what Ignatieff said the other day?

"Rich company CEO's don't need more money, poor seniors who can barely support themselves do! I will increase corporate taxes and increase funding for the CPP (Canadian Pension Plan)."

I put quotation marks around that, but I use them loosely. That's the jist of it though.

Was your first response to that quote, yeah good call? That's too bad.

Mine was the exact opposite.

Here's the thing, why should anyone be taxed more or less than the next guy? Does not everyone work hard for their money? Just because rich people have figured out how to get rich, why does that mean we should take proportionally more from them?

I'm all for equality.

Especially after Trent had a meeting to warn him of how much money the government is going to rob us of in the first few years after graduation. Straight up robbery.

I agree that senior citizens shouldn't be left wanting. But then we should all be required to start putting more into our CPP. What's with all this disproportionate thievery?

Those are my political thoughts of the day. Take them or leave them. But as for me and my house, I think we'll stick with them.


  1. I appreciate your political thoughts! I want to vote and I need all the info I can get to make an informed decision. Keep it coming C. Bevans!

  2. Dis. a. gree. I don't think that someone who makes $15 000 a year should be taxed the same as someone who makes 1.5M a year... but I totally support your sentiment that everyone, not just the rich, should pitch in and help when help is needed. This coming from someone who just got $2000 taken off her paycheque because it was a couple combined into one. That hurt, but I'm a socialist so I sucked it up. ;-)

  3. Britt, a socialist eh? I don't know what I expected you to be, can't say I've ever considered your political affiliation, but I respect it, though I am far from socialist. And I live in the most socialist province in the country. Don't get me wrong, gov't programs can be fantastic. But here's the thing. If both people are being taxed X% then fair is fair. It's doctrine baby. It just doesn't seem right that the more you make, the more the gov't takes. Where's the incentive to be more productive?
