Saturday, September 24, 2011

Good Find, Find Good

Has anyone else noticed how PG movies aren't what they used to be? Nothing is safe anymore. So yesterday when I was wanting to make sure a couple movies I was deciding between watching would be decent, I came across this site on google: Kids In Mind. It gives you a rating of how much sexuality, profanity, and violence there is in each movie and then gives a written breakdown of it. For example how many F-bombs, religious exclamations, name-calling, etc. And since it's designed for parents with kids in mind, they seem to have a much broader sense of what is consider sexual, profane, and violent content. Which is nice. It made me ill to skim through the content in a couple movies, movies that I probably would have watched and not realized how bad some of it was - sadly. I'll definitely be checking my movies here from now on and I thought I'd share it; because I don't know about you, but I'm sick of boobs appearing in my PG movies.

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