Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dinner Date

As a little pre-Valentine's Day date, and because we had to wait a month for a weekend reservation, the Wests and Trent and I went out to Saboroso's.

Please note how Bailey and I semi-dressed up, and our men wore baseball caps. Trent put on a collard shirt - which only ever happens on Sunday - and then felt over-dressed, so he grabbed his comfort blanket, I mean hat. At least he's too handsome either way to hold it against him.

We splurged and paid for the jumbo prawns. And I mean JUMBO:

It was a night of seriously delicious food. I made my mouth raw with their brown sugar grilled pineapple. I can't get enough of that stuff. And steak... mmm... steak. The salsa you see Trent enjoying there was one of the yummiest things I've eaten in a long time. It looks like there's tomato in the salsa, but it's strawberries! And pineapple, and cilantro... and who knows what else but it was magnificent.

I love date night. Good friends, good food, good times. It should happen more often.

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