Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Budgeteer

I now budget. I am a budgeteer if you will.

Trent and I have been reading financial books - a huge change from our regular fantasy genre - and pretty much simultaneously we started talking about setting up our own budget.

We went through our finances back in the summer when we were dating, kinda figuring out where we stood before and after marriage and where we'll be by the time Trent is done school. The numbers weren't pretty.

So now that we're married and fairly settled as far as income and expenses go, we re-calculated. The numbers still aren't pretty. But it was good to work out all the fixed expenses, because I think both of us needed to see that number on paper. Helps me re-establish my will-power to be smart about money.

Because here's the thing: I love shopping. But I'm really good at not spending money by just not going to stores. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Well here's the kicker: the office I work in is in a tower, in the mall. So every day I walk through the mall to get to the elevator to go to work, and back through to go home. Seeing all the pretty things and sales and such kills me. Especially when Aldo is having a massive sale. And the whole mall had a "double your closet" sale for a week. Life is hard. But budgetting is good. Because now I'll have to be super accountable for every shirt, shoe, or even shampoo that I buy. Which makes me think twice before I buy anything.

Some of the girls at work think I should be able to enjoy my paycheck and not be so tight with it. But I don't actually feel restricted. I feel smart. Besides, I have plenty of clothes anyways.

Cheers to the Budgeteers!


  1. since when are you guys tight on money? if a dentist and a dental hygenist couple's numbers 'arent looking good' I'm scared for my life.

  2. I'd like to introduce you to a dental student's debt...
